Saturday, May 06, 2006

No place like home

Woohoo! We're home. I loved our trip, I loved all that we experienced, saw and did. But, dang me, I am happy to be in Central Oregon with the cool air, the mild sun and the luminous mountains surrounding us. I missed my kitties, my family and my very own pillow. And, I missed my computer. Web TV was a bonus with our hotel, and I got to visit you guys a couple times on our trip, but it just wasn't the same.

Thanks to Amy for sitting my journal. I understand being busy though...Lord knows I saw enough of that this last week. And thanks Amy! for the "drawrings" of me so skinny!! Love it! :P

I'll write more later...after the laundry is done and bags unpacked...


SBB said...

Woohoo! You're back! I'm glad you had a great time. And that's a lovely photo of two lovely ladies.

Michelle said...

Thanks Tech! I am happy to be home.