Sunday, May 21, 2006

Starting over

It's been a quiet morning. I like those...

This weekend, has been a busy one. I have my daughters best friend for the weekend as well my Sisters puppy. She's cute. But I might as well have a toddler running about the house creating havoc. And my house is so not baby proofed anymore. I have now gone through an entire roll of paper towels, a bottle of carpet cleaner and about 4 towels. God Bless my Sister for having two young children AND a puppy.

I decided to get the 3 girls out of my house yesterday and into the wild for a bit of a hike. Well, what I would call a "hike". More like a long walk, anyway, it was beautiful. Buds of everything popping out of the ground, the river was running heavy and full with winter run off and little creatures scurrying about. It felt like I filled my day with something valuable.

I start the other job this week. I am looking forward to the extra income but am kinda hoping it doesn't "feel" like a second job. Not that I expect something for nothing, but I just don't want to be wore to the bone either. I dont' think it will make much difference.

Have a great rest of your weekend.


SBB said...

More beautiful photos.

Good luck on your job! I know you'll do well on it.

Michelle said...

Thanks Tech! (again ;) I think it might work out to a foot in the door for a possible and more profitable, career. We'll see...

Michelle said...

She kept us all busy! She was a cutie though. How can you not love puppy love?