Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Throwing myself in

Well, I found myself a second job. A couple nights a week for a few hours. But it pays hourly and commissions if I get a live one. It won't take too much time away from Rach, and I think I can even bring her with me. She can do her homework while I make calls.

It will keep me busy too. Keep my mind from thinking and for some reason, I need that now. I don't know how often I will be posting, I don't think it really matters and the lines here are a bit blurry these days anyway. It may not make a difference at all, since I need an outlet of some sort and writing things out always comes easier for me. There are precious few I can talk to in person.

So, Woohoo! Extra money...Rachel wants a summer camp at the coast this year and now I can actually do it. :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Thanks Frienzied, I hope the computer issue gets worked out for you soon. That would drive me nuts!