Wednesday, May 10, 2006

We're here!

I was surprised by this photo. It's hard to capture motion and still keep focus on the subject. Kinetic. The speed is in there, but then there is the stillness.

Sort of what I have been like the past couple of days. I am moving, getting caught up, working all day to come home and work some more. Then, I crash. Hard and early.

Our first day in Orlando was a beautiful one. The weather was warm with few clouds to keep the sun at bay and a mild cool wind to keep us just right. It was a nice lead in to the unforgiving sun that Florida has, for us Pac Northwesterners. We had a few bumps in our road when we first arrived, but after a good nights sleep, we were ready to hit a park. We went to Animal Kingdom first. It's huge. Abound with lush landscapes, gorgeous flowers and tropical animals around every turn. Here is where we rode Expidition Everest. Disney did a good job on this one. Lot's of fun and even though we had to wait in a rather long line, they try to make it as entertaining as possible with true to the theme art work and design. It was beautiful, I thought. I kept holding up the line taking pictures and such but I would just say my apologies and move on. I couldn't help though, I just wish more of those pictures came out better. We wandered around and saw some sights, only to realize that the park was closing soon and we still had over half of it to see. We decided there that this is a park we would definitely come back to later in the week.

That night, we also had our Murder Mystery Dinner. We made it back just in time and I am so glad we did. It was great fun, and even though my take on "Who did it" wasn't exactly right on (I honestly think that it was the detectives assistant who was the bastard child of the mob bosses wife and was jealous because their daughter was marrying a man that wasn't worthy of "The Family" Mine was way more juicy and took some actual thought versus the outcome which was incredibly obvious. The mother (mob bosses wife) did it.) it was fun to be a part of. After the dinner, we headed over to Downtown Disney (right across from our hotel). It was chock full of people, lights and even a mime. He was funny though. Not like those annoying mimes that follow you around and play shadow. No, he was making the most unlikely of people do the craziest stuff. Very funny. We spent a good couple of hours wandering the stores, taking in some late...late night dessert at Planet Hollywood and then making, what seemed like a 5 mile trek, back to our hotel. I am not sure of the time at this point, I think it was like 2am before we all collapsed into our beds. Such a great day.

So there we go...well, for our first day anyway. It was the fullest I think, because we were excited to be there and there was so much to see and do. And yet, we hadn't really begun.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

He was on a mission tofind his mama. Squawking and all...