Tuesday, June 13, 2006

And she was

So, had a Dr.'s appt this morning and I had to give more blood than any one human being should ever be required to give...

I am happy to report, however, that my blood pressure is perfect. Absolutely perfect. I attribute that to my weight loss, but I swear, just as I think the same of my scale, I have never seen me and that number associated before. This is a weird journey...

So, because I was depleted of so much of my needed blood, I found myself starving and headed for the grocery before returning to work. I go straight for the produce and am stopped by the produce "guy".

"Soft fruits are in full glory this time of year." Huge grin plastered on his face, and a nectarine gripped in each fist.

Glory? I think..."Ok...that's great. I just want some Cherries and can you tell where the grapefruits are?" I ask.

"Well, let me get a bag for you! The grapefruits, are right there, aren't they beautiful?" He points and opens a bag up so I can plop some cherries inside.

"Thank You..."

Now, I know it doesn't look like much. But seriously, I felt like I was in some sort of commercial. Or he was on something. He was so boisterous and happy and cheery. It took me off guard, and while that used to be the normal attitude in this town, it has changed a lot over the years. It's getting big around here, which also makes anonymity.

Anyway, I have now eaten about a pound of fresh Cherries. Yum...and ick... They are so good for you with all the Vitamins A and C, and potassium, but you can only do so much before you have to push the bag away.


Anonymous said...

Maybe.......just maybe, he was flirting with you..???


Michelle said...

Umm I don't think so...

And how do you tell if someone is flirting or just being really nice anyway? I never did/do get that.