Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The low down

I stopped the whole online thing. Again. There is only so much disappointment, or rejection or lying...that one person can subject themselves to at one time. It gets old really fast. There is one person I am still talking with, aside from Kelly (yes he is still hovering wanting to be "friends"), so we will see how that goes. If it doesn't, I am done for a while. Life is so busy in the Summer anyway. I am sure loneliness of some form will set back in eventually.

My house is a sty. In true Tech fashion, I need some Hot Maid (a male one) dressed in something skimpy, to come and clean it for me. While I sit on the couch. Not would actually drive me nuts knowing someone other than myself was cleaning my home.

I started walking again this week. It does a body good. Not only exercise wise, but it helps me sleep...hard. I don't make it much past 10pm and I am falling. I fell asleep last night, with my phone clutched in my hand, texting with Kelly. Ha! I suppose I left him wondering for a change. At any rate, my scale loves me again. Not so much at my WW meeting this week.

Tomorrow is my baby girl's birthday. I hope I can make it the best one yet for her...

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