Saturday, June 03, 2006

Theraputic tendancies

"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from Heaven to the soul." ~ Unknown

So, here I am again. Reaching for song to keep my head in a good place.

Last month, I downloaded the New Dixie Chicks CD. I haven't really paid much attention to it since I got it. But now, I am finding much resource. I also picked up The Wreckers. I love Michelle Branch and am so glad she paired with the newbie Jessica Harp and made such a great album. Artists that can display talent in a multitude of genre are ok in my book. For sure. Anyway, My fav so far from Dixie Chicks is I Hope. Although, from my more recent attitude, you'd think Not Ready to Make Nice is more of a theme song for me. Ha!

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