Thursday, June 15, 2006

You can pick your friends...

My living littered with remnants of school. Tomorrow is the "actual" last day, but today, everything came home. Good golly...

Conversations with Rachel

Her: Today, in school, Miss Mills read our poetry out loud. And everyone thought that the poem I had written was actually by someone else. Isn't that COOL!"

Me: You mean you think it's COOL that everyone thought your poem was by someone else?

Her: Yeah, 'cause the person that they thought it was, is a really good poem writer.

Me: I see. Maybe, You are a good poem writer too.

I read the poem. I like it...but I like this one, the Best.

What The Mirror Says by Rachel Anne

I see a young girl, wise and strong
With eyes blue and legs long
A woman she's not
And yet a girl is too little
While hoping for more
She's stuck in the middle


Two flipping years from High School.

Today has been a day. Just ask my Mom. I think I had her in stitches earlier. See, I had a date. Sorta, it was a coffee date. And I made it quick, friendly and tried not to show any fear. I told my Mom, that this is a classic case of online dating. A classic case of Why, you shouldn't. I don't want to be mean, I am sure he will find someone to love him just as he is, earwax and all. Don't ask.

But let me just add one thing, and this should go down in the Dating Book of Etiquette, at NO point should any party stick a finger in ANY orifice while chatting with said person.

That's all I have to say.


Michelle said...

Maybe 'cause it's short and sweet? I don't know, she used to read Shel's books all the time. They are somewhere around here :P

I'll post it, I have to find out where I put her poetry book...somewhere in the stack o'school stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hey you! It's your littlest sister! Your daughter is as talented as you are! Great poem! I also wanted to say that our walk together blessed me too! I love you and I am glad we are growing closer! I have so much fun when we get together!

Michelle said...

I have fun too! I just adore you guys :) *gush* And love you so...

I have some pictures of your pretty babies. I'll send them on through.

SBB said...

A very good poem. Tell her thanks for sharing it with us!

Michelle said...

I will...thanks Tech!