Monday, July 03, 2006

All around me

Funny little signs, that pop up here and there, are normally unnoticeable. It wouldn't catch your eye with a regular mind set. And, it isn't that I am looking for them, they just seem to be there and keep making me go Hmmmm? It's a good Hmmmm? Don't get me wrong. But there is that part of me that is trying to stand back.

Standing back and making sure I am not seeing or feeling things that aren't really there...

Cautious, I guess. It's sort of like a flinch.

Anyway, I have to work today. Bleah! I say... It isn't fair that the others in my company that work on the West side of the Cascade Mountains, get today off, while us Central Oregonians must work. Why? Just because we live in the best part of the State? :P You will punish us by not letting us enjoy an extra day of it's beauty? Fine I that way. But just you believe that I will be a soakin' in the sunshine all the while, not feeling an ouce of pity for your wet soggy skies. Neener, Neener...


SBB said...

You have to work, too? What a bummer. Our companies really are similar.

Sometimes our instincts know best. Sometimes they don't. Learning between the two is very tough.

Michelle said...


Someone is actually reading?? AND commenting? Wow...I feel so validated. :)

Thanks Tech!

Our companies are similar. Ah is just that much more I will appreciate Independance Day :)

And's hard to say when it is instinct, or just plain old fear. Risk? right?

Michelle said...

Sometimes, that is when they are the most clear...

I am glad you are here Frenzied! :)