There are dreams I want to realize. And when I see someone actually doing their dream, making it come to fruition, I get a bit jealous. But that feeling doesn't get me anywhere. It does, however, provide a little fuel for thought. Perhaps even a little motivation. See, I want to start my own business. I have wanted it for so long, but just didn't think it was in my grasp. All those little voices telling me that I was too poor to get it off the ground, not strong enough or smart enough to figure out the fine details and not schmoozy enough to round up the clients. Why would they hire me? I would most likely screw it up anyway right? It started out as just a little twinkle of an idea and notion that "I can do that. I want to do that. Wouldn't it be great if that was my profession?"
How do I know unless I try?
I am going to start thinking about how I can make this happen. My quality of life would be so much more.
This lil note has nothing to do with what you chatted about in your blog.....lol. But I wanted you to know I stole one of your pictures from 'Pixeldust' for my PCs wallpaper....so pretty. It's the one of the aspen leaves...dang me I love it. Anyway......ttfn
Thank you :) You can have whatever you want...
Love you :x
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