That's what I did. Hard last night. At about 6:30pm, after getting home work.
It's funny how you can find people that sort of mirror your life. They have the same thoughts, dreams and goals. And, perhaps, they are achieving those dreams, making them reality, while your side of the glass isn't a reflection, as yet, but still a mere thought. I don't feel defeated just because I didn't make it happen first or something. I am certainly happy that they are making a go of it and hold such immense talent, it's almost a given that they will be successful. But, I just wonder if I can do it. Only time will tell I guess. And, of course, effort...
In getting much sleep, I had a dream. (I am envious of my friend Debbie, because she has such elaborate dreams all the time. Wild and crazy ones where she will wake up over joyed or angry and smacking her husband on the head. It cracks me up but then I wonder why I don't dream?) I don't remember a whole lot of it except the end. I was standing in a yard, much like my own and I walked over to a tree in the middle of the grass and there beneath it was a lamb. Pure white, resting in the shade.
*shrugging* Not sure why it's significant. Just seems like it should be...
Once fascinated by dreams and dream interpretation, I have read a lot about it. There is a theory which says you are dreaming, just not remembering it. Writing down what dreams you do have before you get out of bed will eventually trigger your mind to respond to them --sometimes, it works too well because then every time you dream, you will wake up when it's over; your brain now conditioned to write it down. That happened to me ;-)
The one thing I found consistent in dream interpretation was that some symbols have universal meanings, others personal. For instance, a baby anything could signify a new beginning, a new project, and it being a lamb would give you clearer insight into where that new beginning lies, depending on what the lamb means to you.
Anyway. Thought you might be interested.
LOL Frenzied!
That's interesting Justice, thanks for that :) I am not sure if I could get in the habit of writing them down though. I try to just think if I had one or not, and most times my answer is no. I feel like I am missing out on something :P
I think 'Justice' is on to something. Hmmmmm...pure white lamb-new relationship. Pure white lamb-taking it slow and using tender care. pure white lamb-innocence and calm. pure white lamb-........you tell me? From a Christian perspective it means 'clean and new' 'white as snow' 'new and fresh'...no guile.
Well, my first thought was Jesus. Which, represents the same.
I am liking this dream better everyday!
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