Thursday, August 17, 2006

Look at the Moose

I am officially legal. I've been driving around with an expired license since my Birthday. Yeah...and in the industry I work in, it isn't exactly good karma. Whatever that means. I actually like my picture too. I thought for sure I had blinked and that it was caught in the photo, seeing as the flash they use on that camera could blind someone with duct tape over their eyes. He kind of caught me mid blink, however. Even with the somewhat sleepy look to my face, it's the best looking drivers license I have yet to own. :) At least it looks like me now. I look happy. The last one was pretty bad. I was a bit dishelved and looking might beat up. (I just moved back to town after...well...just after. :P)

Anywho, I have a job interview already. Kinda makes me nervous, or maybe just more anxious. Do I really want to start over again somewhere else?


Anonymous said...

Isnt it sad that most people dont know how wonderful they have until its too late. So it goes with your job. Im sorry its working out this way. You have given your all and more. He will be 'oh so sorry' when you are gone. It will take more than one 'degree' to fill your shoes......


SBB said...

He will be sorry when you're gone. I'm glad you're looking around. You need something that will make you happier at work. Besides drinking, I mean. And drugs. :)

Michelle said...

Yeah, it's sad. And i don't know if I will actually find something. But I am going to try. :)

Thanks Frenzied. Actually we have a shortage for workers at the minimum level. No one wants to work for peanuts because of the cost of living here. It's risen dramatically and people can't survive on one job. The good ones are few and far between. Today is just a preliminary, and they will schedule another one later, she said. But it does sound good.

Thanks Tech. I like my job, it is just the conditions that are questionable. At least where I am concerned. I feel discriminated against. And no one should ever have to feel that way or put up with it. No matter how many glasses of wine or aspirin you take. ;)