I had the first pain free night of sleep in a really long time. And...yeah...I have to admit that my foot problems were caused by my knee. I needed the boot to heal the Plantar and the Tendon, but had the muscle that ran down the outside of my leg from my knee not been out of wack and made me walk funny, I wouldn't have had the other issues. Now that they are healed, or at least about 80%, and the outside muscles inflammation taken care of with the shot, I feel about as "normal" as I did before this mess many, many years ago. I hope it lasts and hope it helps me to get what I need done to keep it this way. It's freeing. Now that I have a taste of what it can be like, I want to do whatever it takes to keep it.
My WW meeting last night had me bouncing off the walls. :) Finally, a move in the right direction. It's been a stand still for some time, and I am glad I went back to basics and got my butt in gear. It's paying off once again. And a little discipline, never hurt anyone. Woot!
My work...hmmm...my work is interesting. There is nothing on the new job front. I am just trying to make my current situation a little more right in my head until there is something on the new. It's hard though when I feel like I have someone I work with, shooting me down when I am not around. I need to get a bit more forceful with my boss and stand up for myself, that's my own fault, I just need to find the strength to do it. And at the same time, know that I have the right to say what I need to say. Wish me luck.
Glad your knee is feeling better. I hope it continues to improve.
Woohoo on WW!
Good luck on the job hunt. I know there's a perfect one out there for you.
Thanks Tech..good to see you stop by :)
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