Thursday, August 10, 2006

Whoa Nelly

I don't care what anyone says, Apples DO NOT belong in Oatmeal. Ick. I feel like I need to plug my nose while trying to eat this. should be filled with brown sugar and nice cool milk.

I swear you give an inch and people want to take a foot. Damn it people I only have one right now anyway!? My daughters father wants her for another weekend. Of course, it is a weekend that we already have planned with other activities, so I said no. Technically, according to the agreement, he has visitation with her every other weekend. But, there are a lot of other parts of our agreement that he has not adhered to, so I am certainly not going to fret about denying the request. I am still a little irritated that they just assume that we have nothing happening and plan all kinds of stuff before they even ask me if it's ok. Hello? Do you really think my and Rachel's life revolves around you? Umm...No.

His new interest in his daughter is getting to me though. She has been all mine for the longest time, and now that he is married, he has suddenly started wanting to spend time with her. It is a hard thing to get myself used to. And, it's hard to release the grip.

Good Lord I just cannot eat this oatmeal...

Speaking of letting go, it is still an issue I struggle with. And not just My letting go of something, but being let go of. My point of (almost) no return was when someone I thought understood how it felt, took me in his arms, told me that I needed to tell him that I loved him and when I did, said... "I am not going anywhere. You can trust me." And then, ya know, left, shortly thereafter cause someone better came along. It was the biggest slap in the face, stab in the back, punch in the gut I had ever experienced. It was like someone handing you a winning lottery ticket and then saying "Psyche! Just kidding! *insert manical laughter here* (which I am sure he did.)" I don't think I can ever truly forgive this person for what he did to my insides (that were already twisted in knots). I can move past it, and certainly have, but remnants remain of the fear it produced and instilled.

As such, I am having problems with this new relationship. I feel something and I want to say something too, but dang me I cannot get the words out of my mouth. I just can't. It's like handing myself the noose. He keeps hinting and talking about the future.

What's the hurry anyway? I like it how it is. I feel safe with my feelings locked away tight inside. At least, for now.


Michelle said...

It is more of an adjustment for Rachel, I didn't mean for it to sound like I wasn't taking her feelings into consideration. My main concern is her getting hurt again. She did fine with the visit. She said it was odd, but had fun. She was really indulged and if she snapped her fingers to request something, it was given. Not many children would turn down their every desire if offered.

I don't know if Chris wants to know something or not. It isn't like he has said anything himself. It isn't that i don't want to deal with it, I just don't feel the need to rush anything. I do have feelings for him and want him, and I think he may feel the same, but I just don't think I can be the one to make that first "leap".

Anonymous said...

I about tellin him you dont wanna make the first leap and why???.......(hands slapping cheeks in surprise, ala Home Alone).

I was hoping that the individual you are speaking of didnt still have so much power in your life. Im sorry you are still in pain Sweetie. It wouldnt be fair to Chris for you to move forward cause the rest of this family likes him. It truly needs to be from your heart.

One point wouldnt be fair to Chris to judge his feelings and reactions by what this other person did.

I trust you'll make a great choice whatever comes. Cause you are like that.


Anonymous said... wouldnt be fair, it wouldnt be fair...the fair is in Sorry about repeating myself.


Michelle said...


I think I just confused everyone with what I had to say or something. Sorry.

Anonymous said...



SBB said...

Who's Nelly? Is Nelly giving you trouble? Listen, I'll snatch that broad bald-headed if she keeps bothering you.

Unless she's big and strong. Is she big and strong? 'Cause I usually just give those big and strong folks a stern talking to.

Over the phone.

Long distance.

Michelle said...


Nelly is old...and grey. Poor thing. Headed for the glue factory, I think.

Giving her a good hard look might be all it takes. :)