Friday, April 28, 2006

And Away We Go...

Hello! My name is Amy, and I will be your humble entertainer for the next few days. I hope all is well for you out in cyber-land. Everything is wonderful on my end. After six months of winter, we finally have sun and warm temperatures. This is amazing, as most of us had forgotten that such things existed. You can see us Central Oregonians en masse soaking up the rays before it snows another five inches by the end of next week.

But enough about the weather. I wanted to share a little something with you all, I hope you don't mind. I do not possess the talent for photography that Michelle does. I'm a point and click kinda girl. So, instead, I've prepared a little bit of art for you in hopes that it will fill the void that the absence of Michelle's brilliant photos has left. I call it "Still Life with Mouse" and I hope you will be able to note the influences of such masters as Ambrosius Bosschaert and Wybrand Hendriks in my work.

Did Michelle tell you I write fiction? ;)

I'm really not this pretentious, I promise. Anyway, its nice to meet you all, and I hope you have a great day wherever you may be. Oh, and one programming note: I will not be posting this weekend. The great Guild Wars Expansion Pack is up and running and my better half will be sucked into the ether like Tron all weekend. But come Monday, be afraid- be very afraid.


Justice said...

Nice to meet you!

SBB said...


boogelyboo said...

Thank you all for the welcome. Its good to meet you. :)