Thursday, April 27, 2006

On a jet plane

Heehee...giggle..."Snort!" We leave tonight. Well, for Portland. Tomorrow, is when we actually fly out. I am so freaking excited I can't stand it. I managed to get everything done last night. Packing, cleaning, organizing. I showed my friend Christine how to lock my door, where to find the cat's supplies and how temperamental my evil fish can be. He really is evil. I swear. He eats other fish. Except for the current mate I got him. He must have some sort of crush on her.

Anyway, I am ready to go. The only thing that stands in my way and our vacation is work. Sheesh...

So, while I am gone, and as pretentious as this may seem, I didn't want to leave you, my 5 friends and readers, with a page less to visit over the next week. I am sure you will miss my whining, my pleas for relationship/dating success and my shameless plugs on how wonderful and Angelic my child is. Therefore, I have asked my sis-in-law Amy to post on my blog while I am gone. I am sure this blog will see a raise in standard. She is an awesome writer, mother, friend and sister. I am hoping she will use this time as a creative outlet of sorts and perhaps share with you some of her talent. I am currently reading through one of her works on FanFiction. Very nice, I must say. Thanks for doing this Amy! Don't be shy...they're awesome people. ;)

So then, I hope you guys have a great week ahead. I hope to be back with loads of pictures and awesome stories, maybe even an adventure or two, to share with you.


SBB said...

Woohoo! I'm so excited for you! You're going to have an awesome time! If you fly over my hometown, wave! :)

Michelle said...

I will certainly wave! Have a great week! And, Thank you!

(I think I just abused the exclamation)

Michelle said...

Thanks Frenzied!!!!

United....we stand! *strikes super hero pose*