Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Mine, are in the floor

I woke up this morning, wiped. I stayed up too late talking on the phone. With, ya know, the one that makes me smile. I swear he makes my cheeks hurt.

Anyway, I get to work and start flipping through the Handbook I was given by the Boy's and Girl's Club for their Summer program. Rachel has been going there for several years now. After school and during the Summer. It is an awesome program and I..nay...She, has been incredibly blessed to have such an opportunity. I had always been so amazed by what they provided for kids whose parents couldn't afford expensive camps and such during the Summer months, aside from the daycare they provide during school season. I clung to this program. I treasured what it was and what it was doing for my daughter. I praised it, supported it and recommended it to anyone.

But when I read the Handbook, I was disheartened to say the least. Their prices raised $200 (on top of the regular cost) over the course of the summer. Some may look at a $200 increase as nothing in comparison to what they get for it. I could agree. I could agree if I could afford that increase. And, ya know I would be able to, if I knew I could spread it out over the summer like I did before. Even that was a stretch with the old cost. But I can't. They also changed the requirement to paying it completely up front and it doesn't matter if she is there everyday or not. It's now a flat fee regardless of usage. So the whole fee plus the increase...all at once. I just can't do it. And it makes me sad, angry and disappointed that something I so valued, has become something that this town has seen a lot of. It is yet another benefit for those that don't live up to the middle or upper class status, that is being taken away. They have made a service meant for children whose parents can't afford quality care or stay home to provide it themselves, something that is only for those more priveledged financially.

I voiced my disappointment to the regional office today. I voiced it, to the branch director. At first, they told me to contact whatever services I get help from...for more help. I said "I don't get any sort of "assistance". I am one of those "bracket" people that make too much to get help but not enough to do it on their own without having to cut out a dinner here and there. Those that are like me, are the ones whose children will suffer from this change." He wasn't sure what to say at this point, except that it was a decision sent down from regional. Right, and I suppose that would have come from the Regional Director that makes $74,000 a year salary? (that is an exact number by the way. I am so not exaggerating, and my knowledge is backed by an old boss that sits on the board of directors) 74k of salary made by the communities donations that are meant to provide for these kids. Meant to provide a valuable place for them to go instead of being left home alone. Meant to pay the people that work in the B&G centers a decent salary so they can provide for their own families. (They make squat by the way, but stay because they know the cause is a worthwhile one) I know that they rely on donations to run the program. I understand that they haven't received nearly the amount of funding needing to run it this year. But they are trying to get the funds, from the people they are trying to help. It doesn't make sense to me.

He asked me who the child was. I hesitated at first, because I know he knows who I am, who my daughter is and how long we have been going there. Rachel is a big part of the program. From volunteer work, to peer councils to being youth of the month several times to winning the regional Art competition and local auctions. I felt bad for complaining, felt guilty because I am fortunate enough to be taking a "vacation" but I just didn't think it was fair. I told him it was Rachel. He got silent. Then he said "It isn't the Boy's and Girl's Club without Rachel. She is my favorite kid here. It just wouldn't be the same. Rachel is the model member of what the Boy's and Girl's Club is about."

Well, I guess B&G isn't leaving much of a choice, are they? They seem to have reformed what they feel is a "model member".

I know I can't be the only parent that feels this way. I know there must be more that read this Handbook wide-eyed and teary like me. Wondering, how they were going to come up with enough to accept this increase. I really don't think I am over reacting, but I am not sure how I can make this change, either.


Anonymous said...

Actually 'Frenzied' there is....and she would love to help. BUT some people are proud.....go figure....


Michelle said...

Thanks Frenzied. The monetary part is going to be difficult, but I am sure I will manage it somehow. I am really bothered, however, for the families who can't manage it, who value the club as much as I do and depend on it. How are they going to do it?

Mom, you help in immense ways already. Maybe my pride gets in the way sometimes, I admit that, but you have no idea how valuable you are to me.

Michelle said...

She serves Frenzied...in more ways than I can count.

Michelle said...

I hope so, but sad it has to come to that.