Saturday, April 22, 2006

One on the left...One on the right

"Living well, is the best revenge."

George Herbert

Some things used to really bother me. And while they can haunt, as only they know how so well, it doesn't make me sad anymore. I am no longer waiting for Karma to happen. Why? Because I think I really don't care. About this person, or their life and what they have made of it. I don't care about the circumstances of my experience with them. I don't care, because I know my life is so much better without them. It was a blessing, as painful and hard as it was to accept. They come in funny and odd packages, I've said it before.

There is a part of my mind that would love to be able to say something about it. There is a part of me that would love to strike out, tell my side to those that I feel need to know. Not for their benefit, but for my own. To make it understood that what happened was wrong, hurtful and that nothing said or implied could change it. To let them know what kind of person they are with. I am human, and that can be so ugly.

I want so much more for myself and my daughter, than that could ever have held. I want a relationship with someone that understands the value of one. The value each person holds within it and not only what I can do for them or how I can fit into their Grand Plan. There are no "deal breakers" or "what if's" or a changing of my personal convictions or beliefs in order to conform to their expectations of what I should be in the relationship. I want a melding of two individuals. A click. A Connection.

Do I think I can have it? Yes. Yes I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe with all my heart you can have it...and will. God is never late I'm told.....Couldn't he be early just once......oi.