Saturday, April 22, 2006

Head first

It is such a beautiful day today. It's sunny with a spring chill in the air still. The wind is blowing just enough to make you feel alive. I love days like this.

It's pretty much been lazy around here today. I know I have much to do before we leave on Thursday, but it has been so nice to just forget about it for a bit. I am anxious, however. Full panic mode will set in, mid this week, as I go over the, somewhat retentive, checklist in my head. Will I have enough money budgeted per day? Will I forget to pack something? Will our clothes be too warm for a climate we aren't used to? Will people mock and stare as I walk my large white butt out to the pool?

Some of those questions will haunt me till I actually find myself in the situation itself.

Right now, we are getting ready to go to the X-Games. Yes, the X-Games. Complete with a signed disclaimer that if my child gets hurt, I won't sue the Athletic Club.

Watch out Velcro Wall! Here I come!

Oh..and that smile? It's still there. The anticipation is absolutely exhilarating...


Anonymous said...

I'm smiling....can't wait either. I keep trying not to think about it but......what the heck...yeeeehaaaa.

I, for one, don't care who see's my white Oregonian buttata. It's gonna be hot and I'm dunkin my body at some point I'm sure, albeit at O dark

What we forget we can buy there....yup. That's my story and I'm stickin to matter what I bring home wif me.....


Michelle said...

I am going to show my butt. And, from the looks of it, it will be so hot, I probably won't even care at the time. I think.

Ah well...

4 more days! ACK!