Thursday, April 20, 2006

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

I should have posted a couple days ago, but this cold is kicking my butt. I get home, and all I want to do is sleep and ya know...blow my nose.

I should have posted, because my Dad had an argument with a table saw on Tuesday. We spent several hours in the emergency room wondering who won. Even with the extent of injury, I think my Dad did. It could have been much worse but he is able to keep all his fingers. Yeah...I won't go into the gruesome details, but please offer up some Prayer that the healing is speedy and recovery, complete.

Blessings come in funny and odd packages. The injury my Dad sustained on Tuesday, has forced him to acknowledge some "other" health issues that really shouldn't be overlooked. Frankly, I am thankful. I know that seems odd to say, but sometimes things are brought to our attention in the way that will make us stand up and take notice. I don't like the pain he is in right now and wouldn't ever wish it, but I could not and do not want to imagine what life would be like without him at all.


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine it either....don't want to. He was so blessed that you and the others were there the entire time waiting for him to show his face (as was I).

7 more days......hubba.


Anonymous said...

PS..He read your blog just now....tears....awwwwwww


Michelle said...

I was happy to be there with everyone. And to be honest, it was a good experience.

Well I didn't mean to make him cry. :P We just love him.

Only 6 more days now! Woohoo!