Tuesday, May 16, 2006

They're everywhere


1. An empty-headed or silly person.
2. An object, such as a brick or stone, used as a missile.
3. An unspecified gadget or other small article, especially one whose name is unknown or forgotten.
4. A typographical ornament or symbol.

Related words:


1. A person lacking intelligence or common sense.

I had a client yesterday, that called me a Dingbat no less than 7 times during our conversation. Was there a reason? No. Were there any mistakes that I had made during our interaction? No. (Not that, that, would have justified anything) Apparently, he treats women this way, as his wife was there and he was just as degrading to her. She found it funny however. I, did not. He also wanted to know, If I had "screwed everything up yet?" And, I believe Idiot was thrown in a couple of times too. He would chuckle to himself each time he thought he made me feel less than. Unfortunately for him, he didn't make me feel bad, I just felt bad for him...and his wife, a little. (she was obviously accepting of his behavior) I kept my head turned away from him, because with any eye to eye contact, I was sure to tell him to kiss something soft and round.

When he left, I told him to have a nice day. He said "I doubt it!"

Heh, I doubt it too.


SBB said...

What a butthead! I have customers like that, and I think to myself, Do you really want to piss me off when I have all the personal information about you that an evil person could use to make your life a living hell?

They're fortunate we're not evil ... yet.

Michelle said...

Sometimes I feel like I am getting close...however.

Thanks for the support and comment Tech. I appreciate it.

SBB said...

The Buttheads are swarming me today! Yikes!

Are we evil yet? :)

Michelle said...

Take cover Tech!

They are all over me too! There must be a stupid storm brewing in the skies...