Saturday, May 27, 2006


My date. My date went really good. I think... It's been a while, a long while, since I was with someone that I actually felt...something, for. Not that the last few I have dated have been unfeeling on my part, but there was just something missing in the mix. It wasn't missing for me this time.

I ended up making the compromise and driving over to Salem. I only went for the afternoon so we could get to know each other in person better and get that confort that we already find on the phone. It was there in person too. Especially after a nice Irish coffee during lunch. He is very sweet, very handsome...and smells sooo good. :P Oh..and he's tall. Even with 2 inch heels on, he was taller than me Hallelujah!

He is smart. I love that. He drove me around town telling of the architecture, the history and even showed me where he went to school. I loved it. Although, it rained, furiously at times, the sun seemed to be shining somewhere within.

I hope he felt the same.

I hope I see him again soon...

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