Monday, May 01, 2006

Why? Because We Love You...

Four a.m. rolled around way too early this morning. I only have to get up that early a few times per week, depending on when the little boy I watch during the day needs to come over. His poor mother, she works way too hard.

My sisters-in-law (the ones not basking in the beautiful Florida sun) and I walked the butte in our town, a 2-mile endeavor, this weekend and followed it up with a nice brisk walk this evening. Well, it would have been brisk for me if I could feel my legs. But, alas, nothing but noodles. Fortunately I had my moose of a dog to pull me along.

Add these together, and mix them with a dash of 'I am way too old to do things I could barely do in my 20's' and you have me- posting this abysmal excuse of a blog entry at 9:00 p.m. I appologize. I had meant for this to be a cute little murder mystery/kidnapping (of my left sock), complete with photographic evidence of the usual suspects (two dogs, a cat, and a five year old) but alas, the brain is fried and the sandman is a'knocking.

So, I'm hoping for a spark of creativity tomorrow. Until then, sweet dreams to you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well with you.
I think a walk sounds like a wonderful thing!!

Maybe tonight we can venture out of the house to do something like that!!