Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hand in hand

So, we're home again. This flu thing is really getting on my nerves and kicking my butt. Not to mention men. Not all of them, just the ones that date me. I am not going to see this guy again. He lied to me twice yesterday. Apparently, it is a regular existence for him. Granted, I wasn't exactly honest in my way of getting the truth, but my reason for doing so paid off. I called him on it and now, as he has stated himself, is trying to "..pull his head out from my (his) rectal area."

Heh. My "feelings", as proven time and again, seem to be right on. Too bad my heart wants and hopes to believe otherwise. I try to tell myself I am just being paranoid, difficult and un-trusting. But then each and every time, I am right. How sad, I really had hoped he was different. But players exist in what seems the nicest and most genuine of people. The power of deception hmmm?

And so, while I had really enjoyed the attention and the thought of someone actually taking interest in who I was, I am left wondering how I could have been fooled yet again? It really is just my own fault.

Dizzyness is setting in, so, enjoy your day.

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