Monday, June 05, 2006

Maybe so

It's a beautiful Spring day here in Central Oregon. It's about 75 degrees, flowers bloomed and on my way back to the office from my lunch break, I saw a cloud in the shape of a moose.


I thought, " strange to see a moose in a cloud?" I think it was a first for me. Even with all the times that me and Rachel played the game of "Name that cloud" I don't think I have ever seen a moose.

Anyway, it is pretty today. I decided, after the drama of last week unfolded, that I am just going to keep my options open, too. I normally like to put myself into something whole heartedly, but really? How can you when you know the same isn't being extended to you? (We talked and everything is supposedly OK, we'll see how it goes.) now I am busy answering emails from prospective "options". Yeesh. It gets a little monotonous having to be "open" and going over your life story with each and every one of them. Good Lord. I still think playing the field is anything but sincere. It's sort of like going over a checklist...of all my values, hopes, desires. Then, of course, I have my own basic assessment of them. A few are...

1. Ever been arrested?
2. Ever had a restraining order against you?
3. Do you stand taller than 5'11", without shoes on?
4. Do you smell? and is that in a good way or bad?
5. Is that really your picture or one of those models in the picture frame at the drug store?
6. Any white stuff that accumulates in the corner of your mouth when you talk for long periods of time? If so, it is an automatic and immediate exclusion from further conversation.
7. Can you spell? This is a must as online communication is a given and reading about how I am "So purtie an reelly a good with the camerah." kind of drives me nuts.

I think I will just end that me, there's more.

Anyway, I still like Kelly. He hit a lot of stuff right on for me. But, I will keep my eyes open for now. I am not so sure how serious he is about me still, after all my nervousness the week prior to our date and the other crud, the week after. Our communication has all but hit a brick wall. But, I am not going to obsess about it either. If it works out, great, if not, eh..that's just how it is.


Justice said... Name That Cloud...

I've never seen a moose, but, sitting on the front porch last night, I saw (by moonlight, no less) an elaborate Chinese dragon.

Michelle said...

No being held hostage for me. I am worth more than the "wait". And, my questions aren't really so superficial. I was joking really, Faith, honesty, a persons heart are really more important to me. Unfortunately, that knowledge only comes with time. Sometimes it just isn't there. But, number 6 is a definite. :)

A Dragon Justice? Dang

SBB said...

I've been in this place before with a girl. I was her "back-up" guy. The one she kept dangling while she looked to see what else was out there. I was Mr. "You'll do until someone better comes along." It took me a while to wise up -- I don't have a very intelligent heart -- but I finally cut the tie. A couple months later she was on the phone wanting to know why I didn't ask her out any more. I told her that I just wanted to be friends now and that I was more than willing to spend time with her as long as we approached it from a friends only angle -- which included each of us paying our own way. She was greatly offended by that. Told me that she was worth waiting for and that I would never do better. Hung up. And that was that. Except I did do better than her. :) And Michelle, you will do better than him.

Michelle said...

Thank you Tech! Why do people think it is ok for others to wait for them since they are worth it, but they don't show the same value in the people they are expecting to wait? Sounds very narcissistic to me. And i am so done with those types of people.

Glad you found better, I am hoping for myself...