Sunday, June 25, 2006


I think my daughter has had like a 4 day birthday. It's over...and I am a little glad. I'm pooped. I am not sure how to top it next year. I overheard one of the girls say, at 2am this morning, that "Rachel? You have the BEST birthday parties Ever."

I am going to have to rent a dance hall by the time she is 16.

They had fun though. And, I like being known as the "cool" mom within her friends group. Although I don't think Rachel thought I was so "cool" at 3:30am this morning when the serious voice came out and told them all to knock it off for the night.

Quote of the night -

"Chancho, When you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants, in your room...just for fun."

1 comment:

Michelle said...

LOL No hipness needed...

It is a quote from the new movie "Nacho Libre" which I took them all to see on Saturday. They seemed to like that line the best...and...

"Remember that one time, when they were all screaming my name? And I used my strength to rip my blouse?"

(Now of course you have to say all of this with an awkward but thick hispanic accent)

Thanks for the wishes Frenzied :)