Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I'm procrastinating. I am good at that. Even though I have learned that it gets me nowhere. I need to clean, I need to wrap presents and I need to well...more stuff. My head is just filled with the cleaning part right now. Which is inclusive of my entire property. It's overwhelming me, when I know it won't be so bad once I get started. I'll get in that groove where I won't want to stop and even a phone call will seem like a nuisance.

So, while I try to psyche myself up to just getting started, I am roaming on the net. I read some funny stuff. Some things that are funny to me, but really are just kind of pitiful. Just makes me chuckle.

I think there are some people that have been in my life, for whatever reason or purpose, that I just don't think I will ever feel differently about. They may have changed, or made better choices or really just transformed who they are inside. The fact remains, I only know the person they were with me. The experience I shared with them and the actions or non action taken. That is what I know, that is what I have learned from and that is all I have to go by. Granted, some people deserve a second chance. Some, deserve reconsideration. Some, that want to make it better, heal and move past, the past. But then there are some, that just suck. No two ways about it, it's a given.

It isn't anger, lack of forgiveness or even sadness. It's simply what it is.

I just realized how dirty the mini blind in my kitchen is.



Anonymous said... you made me smile. Get that miniblind!!!


Michelle said...

3AM!? Good Lord woman...

I think I might just buy a new miniblind. LOL

SBB said...

My miniblind in my kitchen is dirty, too. Sigh. And changing it would be a royal pain. Well, if I keep the lights turned out in there, I won't see it.

Michelle said...

LOL you can always just turn the miniblind in the opposite direction, too. You know, the dirty side facing the window? All depends on how you look at it! :P