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We're home. Well, actually I am. I think there is some sort of sensor that goes off in my daughters friends, that let's them know when she is free for the taking. We were home no more than one hour, and she was getting ready for yet another sleep over...pool party...etc. At least we had the weekend, un-interrupted.
It was an awesome one too. We slept, ate really bad, walked a bajillion miles on the beach, traveled along the coast a bit and just generally enjoyed being together and laughing our butts off. I took a ton of pictures, way more sunset pictures than anyone would care to look at. Even Rachel couldn't tell the difference between some of them. She would swear they were duplicates. But I got to playing with some of the settings on my camera, and there are some differences, some are just more obvious than others :P
Anyway, home is where I am. Although, I wish there was a way I could bottle up the Oregon Coast and let it spill out here. I miss the air, the cool on my face...and the sand between my toes.
Rachel: "Mom, I was thinking?"
Me: "UH OH."
Rachel: "Hey!" *hands on hips, wrinkled nose*
Me: "I love you Rachel."
Rachel: "I love you too Mom." *sigh*
That is an awesome photo! Professional quality without a doubt.
Thanks Tech! I appreciate the feedback. I need the "strokes" right now ;)
She modeled for me. But I wanted it to look like I "caught" her in a moment. I hope that is what I achieved.
Thanks Frenzied!
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