The water looks purple. The pinks in the sand, mixed with the reflection of the blue in the sky. Kinda neat.
I can't tell you how thankful I am that me and Rachel had our time at the coast this year. Thanks to an extremely inexpensive and low in amenities kind of hotel, I could swing it. The belt will still be a little tight until the middle of August, but it was well worth it. It is a memory for her and I, that will not soon be forgotten, if ever. Honestly, I wish I didn't have to come home. It was perfect there. Just perfect. And, it went so fast.
But, I am here. Work is a bear. I was plunged right back in the thick of both jobs yesterday, as well as getting caught up from being gone around the house.
I have my pictures though. They give me the sense of being back there, even if only for a moment.
And how.
Gorgeous, Michelle.
Thanks Frenzied, I couldn't agree with you more. I want to be one of those people that does what they love for a living...
Thank You Amy! Very cool of you to say so. :)
Absolutely awesome photo! How did you get to be so talented and charming? I suspect it's something in that Oregon water ... :)
Aw..thank you Tech :) I am not sure how talented or charming I am, and the water here is pretty good, but I think if any of that exists then I would attribute it to genetics. My mom rocks the paintbrush, so maybe she passed on some artistic stuff.
Thanks again for the compliment though, you made me feel all goofy inside. :P
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