Wednesday, September 27, 2006

No pun intended

I am trying to figure out what to wear to work today. I may have to settle on a dress. Dang it. I prefer pants but I am currently down to one pair of nice dress slacks for work (2 pairs of jeans as well but I can't wear jeans to work). And I have used those up so far this week. They need some at home dry cleaning. So what to do? Wear an uncomfortable are my legs showing too much, I have really fat ankles dress? or go for one of the pairs of pants I have that would allow me to fit a pillow in where the butt should be? Why do clothing manufacturers think that all "women of substance" are shorter in stance and larger bringing up the rear? We aren't all round and stuff. We still have bodies and waists and bustlines. Not every bit of the extra goes to the backside. There isn't just one body type whether large or small.


I shouldn't be complaining. But since I can now buy clothing in a regular section of the store, I don't have the funds to do so. At least for myself. Figures. Maybe I should just break out the sewing machine that is sitting in my closet. Ya think?


Michelle said...

I have a skirt pattern that I bought to make for the Summer. It sits in my closet with the sewing machine. Yeesh...

We have a Ross here, maybe in a month or two I can make a trip. :P

Melissa said...

What's shakin sis?! It's been so long since I left a comment (or visited that I darn near forgot my password! Sheesh. Hope you're still keepin up with me on xanga. That's where I blog now almost daily. Things are goin great. Matt Matt's huge! He's 17.5 lbs. Three visible teeth and one trying to poke through. Geez. Where's my newborn?!! Anyway, drop me a line whenever you get a chance. *big hug*

Michelle said...

Hey Melissa! I did go check out your site this weekend. I am so sorry for all that youa re dealing with right. Your a strong girl...but we already knew that ;)

You are in my Prayers, as always.

So glad you stopped by to say hi!