Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What AM I going to wear?

I hope everyone had a good holiday. Those long weekends seem to fly as swift as the normal ones. But I am always grateful for the extra day.

First Day of School! I know most parents are so happy to be sending their kids back. They're out of the house, occupied with the days activities and lessons, and the parents that stay home with them have some sort of peace. But...I have never felt that way. It was nice to be able to come home on my lunch break and spend a little time with my daughter. I like having her home. I even like her many...many phone calls to my work asking where the bagels are, or what she can make cause she is hungry, or the fact that she is bored and wants something to do. Even though I work all day, I miss her when she is at school.

I hope she has a good day today. I can't wait to hear all the "stuff" about who she has in her classes, if she likes her teachers and if her locker is top or bottom. (I am hoping top 'cause I got her the cutest locker decorations Ever!)

I hope you have a good day too ;)

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