Today was a good day. I feel a little better not being on so many meds. I went the whole day without which made for a little bit of pain but a much clearer head. I'd gladly trade one for the other.
Me and Rach just hung out in my room watching Tomb Raider, The 5th Element and Stargate. Good movies. We also consumed about 3 bags of popcorn. Yeesh. Between that, yummy dinner leftovers from my Moms delivered dinner yesterday and the donuts, I may have some issues with weigh in this week. Who says food isn't a comfort?
Anywho, I took some pictures of the flowers Chris gave me (he also brought me a nice card and chocolate ice cream for me and Rachel), but I couldn't get my camera to work correctly. I thought maybe it was me, eyes blurred from the meds and all, but I think it's my camera. Not sure what's up with it. It could be the color of the flowers. They were kind of interesting when I first saw them, but when I combined them into a bouquet, they were really pretty. Bright pink carnations and like...electric blue daisies. At any rate, I think they may have been too bright and oversaturating the photos. Leaving them blurred and undefined. But take my word for it, they were/are pretty and it was a really thoughtful gesture.
I have to say that he is really growing on me. Even when he does the annoying "guy" stuff (you know...the whining and all about me mentality) it sort of makes me chuckle. At least, 9 times out of 10, he realizes when he has said or done something not so good with me, without me having to say anything at all. It takes some maturity to admit your own faults and be able to stand back and be accountable for it. I like that about him. He wants to be a better person, to learn and grow and he knows that it's a continuous process. He's a sweetheart and i feel like we can talk things out, and we do, without it having to be dramatic or emotional. I am finding myself looking forward to when I get to see him again.
Tomorrow, I go back to the Dr. and back to work. The long weekends go even faster.
Oh...and have I ever mentioned how cool it is to wear your boyfriends t-shirt to bed and have it fit like a nightgown? It's really cool. *giggle*
I hope your recovery goes fast and well! You're in my prayers.
Thanks Tech, I appreciate it.
I hope so too, Frenzied. Although, the Dr. had some discouraging news this morning. More tests for me...
Not exactly. He mentioned in my appt that the tissue he had to remove was so extremely irritated (it's called synovial) that he thinks there may be more going on than just reinjuring my knee and osteoarthritis. Since my foot has been bothering me as well as a few other symptoms, he wants me tested for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Which, you know, kind of sucks. I read up on it when I got to work. It really sucks.
I meant to mention that Rheumatoid Arthritis is systemic instead of being localized to an injured joint. Basically, your body attacks itself and can affect you anywhere including internal organs etc..
And did I mention that it sucks?
I'm really hoping the best for you.
Thanks Justice, I am hoping so too.
Thanks Frenzied. I don't know that I have it as yet. I have to get the testing done first. At this point, it's all just 50/50.
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