Saturday, May 13, 2006

And still there was more...

Our second and third days, we thought we would take a bit easier. (Yeah...right) And, on Sunday we went to Magic Kingdom (Disneyland). It was just as I remembered the Disneyland at the time it was when I was a little girl (I grew up in Los Angeles and Disneyland was an annual adventure). Same rides and layout, with the exception of ToonTown. And, The Castle in Florida is that of Cinderella's whereas in California it is Sleeping Beauty's. But honestly, I think they call it what they want to suit whatever show they have going on at the time. That, or no one really knows which princess the castle belongs to (And just where is Snow White's anyway? She IS the original Princess ya know.). Anyway, whomever owns the right to call it "their" castle, it's beautiful. The best time to view it is at night, when it is fully illuminated and the colors alternate from gold to warm blues and purples to vivid pinks. Most of my pictures didn't come out so well, only one gives a hint of the majesty (and the fact that my cameras battery was just about dead after two days of constant shooting), but I am still hoping that my Mom's camera has some on it (have you tried to download any of those yet, Mom? I bet they are on there...somewhere)

Anywho, it was lots of fun with the exception of one yahoo, who was definitly from the East Coast...accent and all, that ran into me during a crowded push. I mumbled something under my breathe about how I miss the niceties of home (I was surprised at how rude the general public was, not one time did I hear someone say "Excuse me") and he then turned around and started screaming, first at my daughter who was really taken aback, and then looked at me and started yelling cuss words and the like. I asked him what his problem was and he just went off again at me saying something about being a nicer person (Ummm I believe he was the one that wasn't being nice as I just stood there wondering what in the world his problem was and maybe the heat had fried his unusually small brain) and then my Mother. Ha! My Mom was great, she said "Maybe you should get a big truck." (an inside joke about men that are aren't gifted with height and the fact that they like big trucks. It's a common thing around these parts. Not that there is anything wrong with that.) and when he started to rush her said "What are you going to do? Hit an Old Lady?!" He promptly turned around and went on his way. I have to say though, it took me a little while to shake it off. If you saw this guy, it would have scared you too.

With that little tidbit of a man out of the way, we pressed on.

Monday, we took in MGM. I loved all of the old store fronts made to look like the glamour days of Hollywood and the different "cities" you could find yourself in with the simple rounding of a corner. This is where we rode the Hollywood Tower of Terror, in which you ride in a hotel elevator that has somehow entered "The Twilight Zone".

They take you to the top of that sign, in the dark, and free fall you several times. 3 or 7 stories, I don't remember which. It's a lot of fun, but the second time we rode it and reached the end of the ride it asks "So will you escape the Twilight Zone?" and the ride shuts down. Completely. There we the dark, unaware if we are dangling precariously at the top of the ride or safely at the bottom and a little girl in the back says "I guess not!" It wasn't too long before they turned on the lights and got us out of there. about a freaky moment. They let us ride again though without having to wait in line.

Our next ride was the Rockin' Roller coaster with Aerosmith.

This is a "ride it once and I am good" kind of ride. It's pretty intense. They put you in this "stretch limo" lookin' type roller coaster train and then zip you off to 60+ miles per hour in like 2 seconds and send you into this dark coaster that immediatly puts you into a full loop and into a cork screw. I don't remember too much of it as it was really fast and furious. Not to mention that they have Aerosmith's "Love in an elevator" pumping in your ear. I liked it, but it did make me a little nervous. I felt like I should have been strapped in a little better instead of the one shoulder brace they provide. After that we took in some shows and a back lot tour.

We finished our day with Downtown Disney and dinner at Gloria Estefan's restaurant Bongo's. Let me just say that Cuban food is YUMMY! I didn't know that citrus and Garlic made such a yummy marinade...dang me. And their Cafe de leche (Cuban coffee) is good too.

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