Sunday, June 18, 2006

I'm full

I like lilypads. And the lilies that accompany them...but I took this one at my daughters father's house. We drove out to Elmira, Oregon to see him on Saturday. Well, actually I figured it was a good idea because then I could spend some time in Eugene shopping for my daughter's birthday and yet be the good guy and take my baby to see her "dad". I admit my motives weren't exactly, completely honorable. I still find it odd to call him her "dad". I still find it inconceivable, that I was once married to him. And that, ya know...we had a child. She is the blessing from that situation. And for that and that alone, I am glad for it all. But dang, it still blows my mind.

After a yummy Father's day breakfast this morning and some whirlwind shopping, we went to the free Sunday in the park concert. This is why I love where I live. This is why I am willing to bear through the cold winters (which aren't really as bad as others) and sometimes wet Springs. Every weekend from the end of May, through September, there is something to look forward to each weekend. Whether it's a free Sunday concert, some festival or event, there is something. Today was Mingo Fishtrap . They are one of my fav's. They come every Summer with an awesome performance and today was no exception.

Hanging with my family is always fun. Ok...ok we have our moments, but I have to say I really do value these times. The kids are little, full of energy and smiles which only serves to make you smile too. How can you not like that?

I am sentimental tonight. Partly 'cause, well, I am a girl and we just have those moments. Mostly once a month :P But partly, 'cause it just feels good to feel a part of something.


Justice said...

What a beautiful picture of Rachel!

Michelle said...

Thank you, Justice!

SBB said...

The lilypad photo and the photo of Rachel are both excellent. You have the skill and the eye of a professional photographer. Have you ever thought of starting a photography business?

Michelle said...

Thank you Tech :)

I would love to be able to have my own photography business. And I have thought about it. I am just not sure how to do it? Better cameras for sure... I dream of the kinds of pictures I could take, with something more along the lines of a professional quality camera. It's isn't impossible, just out of my reach right now.

I really appreciate you saying so though, sometimes it's hard to see that or believe it myself.