Sunday, July 23, 2006

Stepping stones

MMm kay. I am not sure where they got our local weather guy from, but dang me if he isn't a nut. He talks like he has had major botox. His lips don't move, his cheeks...eyes...nothin'. And I swear he has a slight lisp. I am cracking up here...

I was going to talk, or whine rather, about my foot, but this just sort of takes the cake. Nothin' like a little small town local news to lighten the mood.

Anyway, my foot hurts. It's been bugging me for a while but it is to the point where I think I need to go to a professional. No magical "All of a sudden it was better..." type thing. Which, ya know, sucks, 'cause I hate going to the Dr. I hate this pain more, however, and unless I keep myself up on pain meds, I can't deal. I don't want to stop with the walking either. I was going so good with the weight loss, (at my half way point) and now I feel like it has come to sudden and not so happy halt. I am frustrated and just want it to go away. Hmmmph.

That was my whine. Fini.

This weekend was great. So much fun hanging out with Chris. Yes...his name is Chris. There ya go. We went to hang with the fam up at their camp spot yesterday and today he came over, hung out with me, Rach and her best friend. We went swimming, made lunch together and just enjoyed each others company. It's nice to be with someone and feel comfortable...and...he feels no "pressure" about spending time with my family. They are a big and important part of who I am. It comes with the package. He gets that, when so many others that I dated thought it was some huge step or some scary commitment to know my world. Frankly, if you are interested in me, then you'd be interested in that part too. You can't pick and choose what parts of a persons life you are involved in. I like that he is interested in all of it. :)

So, tomorrow is work. Eh. Another weekend just blew by...


Michelle said...

At this point Frenzied, it's my entire foot. But it began on the outside edge from the base of my ankle up to my little toe. I was told that I had most likely torn a ligament or tendon and that it would heal on it's own, but it's gone on for a year and is now much worse...

And thanks :)

Michelle said...

Is that a pill or something? I tried looking it up on the net but I got a bunch of different types of foot inserts. Like arch supports and stuff...