Monday, August 21, 2006

Hodge podge

That's my baby girl. Trying something new. I got to try too. It's my brother's Kayak, but he let any of us that wanted to, take it out. I am in love with the thing. So much so, that I think me and Rachel need to get a couple. How fun would it be to take a Saturday out on the lake (of which we have an abundance here) and spend the day on the water? Much, I say. Where there's a will...

I checked my Gmail tonight. I noticed how my spam has taken on a new look. Just about every one of them were in some foreign language. Interesting...

No news on the job front. I went into the office on my lunch break last Friday, for said interview, but the girl who was to do the interviewing, wasn't there. Go figure. I dropped off the info she requested from me the day before, complete with references and such. She seemed so into me before, with wanting to put me "On the fast track to management..." that I am a little skeptical as to how serious they are. Or, really, how organized. At any rate, I have Faith that I will be where I am supposed to be, when I am. Luckily, I have the means for patience.

Exciting stuff huh? My brain is wonky from lack of sleep and too much thinking...

The sweetest ones to you.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

You should try it. It's so relaxing even though you are getting a bit of a workout on your upper body.