Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Like you needed to know...

Blah Blah Blah Blah...ugh. That is about all I hear these days from my co-worker. I think there are only so many more times I can sit here and listen to her tell her life story to each and every person that walks in the door. I could be sitting there, trying to service my client and she will go off about all the things she has done in her oh so short of a lifetime. It's really great that she has had such an opportunity. But she puts off this "air" that she is so much more experienced and really just better than everyone else, attitude. She knows it all, don't ya know.


The PMS minus the P, isn't helping with my patience much, either.

'Course, if she knows Sooo Much, then why is she sending me emails asking me for a phone number? I sent her an email back telling her that I didn't know the number off the top of my head but was certain it would be in the phone book. Open one. Sheesh.

That's my rant for the day. Wish I could be in a better mood, but I feel a bit pulled in different directions. I need to learn to say "NO" better. The past 3 weekends in a row (I am counting the one coming up, cause it's already taken starting last night), I have been doing things for other people. Taking their children, their animals etc... Don't get me wrong, I love to help out, but sometimes it gets a little overwhelming and I feel like any time I might have free, is immediately zapped by someone knowing this and knowing that I will do whatever they ask cause I can't say "NO". It was nice to take off for the beach the other weekend. I had calls from friends and such wanting me to do stuff for them and I had to say "NO", much to their dismay (What?? Michelle isn't available for me to dump the stuff I don't want to do on? How rude!). But ya know, it felt good. It really did.

I guess I had another rant stuffed in there. I suppose I am coming off as quite the jerk today. I feel selfish for complaining about it, 'cause it really does make me feel good to know I have helped someone, but, sometimes, it would be nice if one of my friends called me, just to see how I am doing and not because they need something done for them, by me.


Michelle said...

I'll be fine. I just needed to let it out somewhere and since this is my journal, it was the best place for me. Thanks for reading (listening) though. :)


I am excited for the work day to be over though...I am taking Rachel for a makeover tonight. I promised she could start to wear a little bit of makeup come 7th grade. *whimper* My daughter is in 7th grade! And, I promised...I just didn't think it would come so fast.

Good grief, can you tell I am hormonal?

Michelle said...

Aw...I wish I did take some pictures. She looked really pretty, but we went swimming right after we got home and I didn't even think about taking a picture. Duh!

SBB said...

I'm not sure I want to teach a woman how to say no ... ;)

But I'm right there with you, Michelle. I've had "friends" who only got in touch with me when they needed something. It was hard, but I learned to cut them out of my life. The ones I keep are those that are interested in my well-being and are as willing to help me as I am to help them.

Michelle said...


I can think of some that need to be cut. But when you have known them for so long, it gets a little tough.