My sister. My Sister, MY SISter MY SISTER! Ugh. My sister in California, that is. Our conversations are interesting, although I must say this one was better than those that have come before. But, now she is pressuring me to go to our 20 year class reunion. In California. In November. I told her I couldn't afford it. Even if I did drive down. And not only because the tickets are a couple hundred dollars, Two, to be exact, but then I would have the Gas money to contend with much less Airfare (like that is going to happen). I would honestly like to go but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. She is disappointed because she thought I would and made plans to go herself. Once again I disappoint her. I am good at that where my family in California is concerned.
The pressure.
Anywho... I think I want to be my daughters shadow. There was a day when I would pick her up after work and she would tell me every detail about her day. Who said or did what, what was done in school and whether it was good or not. *sigh* These days it's like pulling teeth to get anything out of her. I didn't have to ask before. She's getting older (pubescent and way more developed than any child her age should rightfully be), and so...I want to be her shadow. That way, when those "boys" ask her for her "digits" (yes...they call a phone number "digits" these days) I can smack them upside the head as she walks past. And firmly whisper that they "Better get your head on straight "boy" before I do it for you!" *insert pissed off mother bear look here* as her "shadow" grazes the tops of their gawky too big for their legs yet feet. (that's me...the shadow. And as I grazed, you can bet there would be some firm pressure on those over stepping the boundaries, gawky, too big for their feet yet toes. Hmmph. Can you tell I am adding this in as I go because I keep getting more worked up each time I think about some "boy" messing with my child?)
She told me today, after some digging, that she has a new friend. And guess what? That friend is a "boy". He taught her how to make a triangle. In Science. *swoon* I told her that if she gives him her "digits" and he calls, I am telling him that she doesn't live here. He has the wrong number. And, that if he calls here again I will track down his scrawny little butt.
I may have some issues with this.
Ya think?
Yikes....puberty, scary I have a book for you, and at some point for Rachel. But you should read it first. I'll bring the book by and you can decide if it applies. But it's funny and helpful at the same time. It's called "Boys will put you on a pedestal (so they can look up your skirt)". Really thats the name of Check out chapter 4.
AND a website that has nothing whatever to do with kids. The website is Sort of a 'pixeldust'.
Somebody loves you, well, lots of somebodies....
My oldest is 16 and has no clue how pretty she is. I'd tell you this will get easier if I could. It is such an awkward transition - and I think for both parent and child - when they get to this age and start spreading their own wings. After so many years of being the comforter, the answer, the enforcer, the protector... suddenly, they want to handle everything on their own and have secrets. It's maddening. I understand.
Be prepared for catching a grown man checking her out.
But when you see her start making the decisions you taught her to make, and handling things the way you taught her to handle them... I guess that's when their growing up isn't so bad.
I'll have to read the book. Beacuse even though I know this is all "natural" and part of the growing up "I can handle it myself Mom" thing... My instincts want to protect her. She is only twelve for Heaven sakes.
That site is really cool. I only went to it briefly, but I plan on checking it out more tonight. :) Love you too...
Maybe it is a girl thing, and part of it is I think it's my fault for pressuring her to tell me when if I just back off a little and give her the chance to want to tell me, she would probably anyway. Make sense (even with the run-on sentence)? Funny how I teach myself my own lessons. And I don't really threaten her friends, we are just joking around when that happens, but there is a small part of me inside that would sure like to. Hmm maybe she can see that little hidden part that wants to strangle any "boy" that looks at her.
There I go teaching myself stuff again... Thanks Frenzied!
Well, Justice, I haven't seen a "man" checking her out but I have seen high school boys do it. Which isn't any better in my book. And ya know, I have already seen examples of how she handles herself with those "boys". She lets them know, and sometimes in not such a nice way (that isn't my doing, I actually tell her to let them down easy as "boys" are so ego fragile. :P), that she isn't old enough and it isn't accepted at home to be getting calls from boys or going on dates, yet. They can be "friends". Anywho, thanks for commenting, I feel like you are sometimes my mentor. You are a step ahead of me. How valuable is that? :)
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